Monday, October 13, 2014


Lately, I have been doing an in depth philosophical study on great musicians and why they are considered as greats. My area of study has been largely centered on musicians from the latter half of the 20th century since music progressed through several phases in a speed that hadn't been experienced before. I have ignored the 21st century because the last two decades haven't really offered us anything new musically speaking. I am a musician from the 21st century so do not conclude I am hating for the sake of being a critic. Even the Rolling Stones top 100 musicians of all times chart seems to agree with me.

Some of the most fascinating musicians from that era in my opinion included James Brown, Ray Charles and Bob Marley but in regards to this particular time, James and Bob. They were very sharp musicians who gave the world new music. Bob introduced reggae to the world, James was the godfather of funk and rap (which led to hip hop) and Ray gave us rhythm and blues. However, above and beyond that, Marley and James Brown preached a universal message. (Stevie Wonder also comes in here). All these musicians did sing about love, which is the most resounding theme in music, but they did sing about something even greater, and that is socioeconomic injustice. Bob sang about freeing Africa and mental slavery. James Brown addressed black freedom in the USA. And it was evident from their music and live performances that they were very passionate about the message they preached. They knew what they wanted to say and knew that the world must listen to what they had to say whether they liked it or not.

In Kenya today, we classify music into two: Gospel and secular music. I believe it is the same for a large part of the world. Normally, Gospel music is sung in reference to an Almighty God while secular music is in some ways anti-God in its thematic expressions. These may take the form of gloating and sexual innuendos that usually include fornication and vocal porno to some degree. Some sing about love but not in a manner you would gladly play as a church presentation or in the presence of a spiritual leader. The previously mentioned characters would fall into the secular music category without a doubt.

However, there is the theme of socioeconomic justice that is not so popular in mainstream music circles. Those who have made it part of their musical philosophy; their life philosophy have made a great contribution to the world. Once a musician touches on this theme, the person transcends above the limits of categorized music and becomes something more than a musician. The person becomes a political ruler in the gates. The person becomes an ambassador for justice. S/he no longer flies on the same altitude as the rest. For justice isn't the property of religion. It is part of a human being. If you do not believe it is part of a human being, then you must believe empathy is part of the human being. Empathy simply put,  is the cog upon which the wheels of justice rotate on. It is part and parcel of man's humanity.

The musicians above, though secular, managed to transcend above the Gospel and secular limitations and set a bar above that which was already in play. That is why they were truly great. They carried powerful political messages that people could relate to. That is indeed greatness for they addressed that which was beyond their own self centered needs and little personal agendas. I pray at some point, there may be a reincarnation of such selflessness in the near future.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Architects of beauty

Beauty is probably one of the most misused abstract words of this century. Probably because beautiful means something different to everyone. Like the way a truck may appear beautiful to one due but ugly to another girl. The compass opposite of the word also happens to be one of the most misused words of this century. People sometimes just do not know what consists as ugly. Anything goes so long as the point in hand is driven across.

However, the greatest injustice I have seen in relation to the above two words has been the coarse use of the words around ladies and especially by ladies themselves. People once again lack respect for the difference between beautiful and attractive and in the same breathe, lack respect for the difference between ugly and unattractive. Most attractive girls have been termed at first glance as being beautiful but turn out to be as hideous as the devil himself. On the other hand, unattractive girls by societal standards have been termed as ugly with little regard for the beautiful condition of their hearts. It baffles me at times the manner in which people use the words ugly and beautiful in such a superficial manner, thereby denying the words the weight they deserve. I am sure if the words could speak for themselves (it is an ironic statement already), they would take a century to vent out their disappointment with the human being’s inability to rightly use the previously mentioned words.

However, the greatest injustice I have seen in the use of these words is when a woman calls herself ugly because of what she saw in the mirror that morning. It is disappointing to see women beat themselves down and call themselves ugly. No, actually it is despicable. It is horrifying for a beautiful woman to call herself ugly based on physical features whose optical value diminishes with age. Strangely enough, I have never heard a man call himself ugly yet some women allow the very men who label themselves as ugly to slap a label on the woman’s forehead terming her as ugly.

I was watching the opening episode of Slim Possible season five and it was sad that a majority of the women present wanted to lose weight because it defined their net outlook. I do understand physical beauty is important to a woman but it is far from the importance of the woman. Strangely enough, I have never heard a man call himself ugly yet some women allow the very men who label themselves as ugly to slap a label on the woman’s forehead terming her as ugly.

Women must understand the world can define what is unattractive or attractive and try to forcefully indoctrinate the ideas down a woman’s throat but they must understand that they wield a greater power than that which the world wields. The decision to be ugly or not to be ugly; to be beautiful or not to be solely lies within the boundaries of the person’s mind. In other words, you are ugly if you want to be and you are beautiful if you want to be. That decision solely lies with you my dear sister, not with the television, your favourite fashion magazine or the clique of hot girls in school.

Let me take it even a step further and say that you are as beautiful as you want to be and you are as ugly as the limits of your mind can set. God gave us a beautiful gift and that gift is this, whereas you may lack the power to predetermine the extent of your physique, you have unlimited creativity and power to create your own version of beautiful. You are as beautiful as you can imagine and vice versa. No one can make that decision for you except yourself. God has given you the power to be the architect of your own beauty. The tools are at hand but are you willing to design that beautiful creature the way you want it to look like or are you going to buy another copy from the hypermarket