Saturday, November 15, 2014

Chance v. Purpose Part 2

One of the greatest tragedies in life is the lack of will to follow through your thoughts.

Every physical manifestation must be preceded by a mental creation. That is to say, everything that exists physically, as created by man, must have been initially conceived in the mind. Our clothes, houses, phones, cutlery computers, roads, bicycles, planes and guns. Virtually everything that is man-made. The mind of man is a very powerful thing. The creative power resident in the mind of man is unlike that in any other animal or natural being for that matter. It is the law of the universe that all things created in the physical must first be created in the mind. 

Imagination precedes logic.

Imagination is the factory responsible for coming up with new concepts. It conceives an impossible thought and breathes life into that through inspiration. If you talk to an artist, an entrepreneur or a trendsetter  they will inform you that imagination is key. Imagination is the driving force of creation. The spark behind innovation.Once in a while our minds conceive what may seem to be the impossible, from television sets that emit smells to loads of money to dating that girl who seems to be way out of your league. Imagination is important especially if the latter is to be made manifest.

Logic informs to a great extent, the path to be taken from imagination to the physical manifestation of that thought. Logic is the superhighway that connects these two points and in occasions where logic may fail, the creative process usually takes over. The creative process can happen to be on an occasion or two, defiant to the already pre-existing logical processes in play. The creative process is not the preserve of a few men, but an option available to all men. However, not all men have the courage to take the path when the opportunity arises, and those who choose to follow this path when it comes calling, are often labelled as madmen. Some may even term the creative process a miracle. This is especially where  those pursuing this new path pursue it aggressively and seem to be so sure of what they are doing yet there are no predecessors to validate his actions. In a lot of instances, this does not end up well, but tin those instances it does, a new process is created. The risks are greater but the rewards are higher. It is the price the unknown demands form all men who dare to pursue this path.


Science is man's way of understanding the superhighway talked about before. Science is a great tool that tries to explain the origin of things. No actually, tries to reasonably deduce the origin of all things created. Science is brilliant. It is systematic and reasonable. Science obeys rules and tests truths. It tries to logically arrange information and facts in a manner that could be best understood by human beings. However, it has one main Achilles heel. Science does not have the power to conceive. Science unfortunately or fortunately, is a servant of imagination. It is a servant of that which creates, a tool in the hands of a creative master. Logic in the same way is a servant of imagination. It is a servant of vision and could never become the master to the vision. Like in the same way, it is not enough to be on  a highway. There is no glory on being on Mombasa road if you are not heading to a destination that the road is responsible for linking you to. No one ever says they went for a trip to Thika superhighway. When someone calls me and I say I am on Thika road, the next question that will obviously follow is, where is Lelli heading to?

Creation v. Evolution

Evolution is a factor of creation. Evolution has no power to be original. It has no power to conceive something totally out of the blues. When mosquitoes evolve to resist certain strains of medicine, they do not become completely new creatures. They instead become mutated mosquitoes. Not moths or fireflies. It is only a creative power that can come up with a radically different species. Science, or in this case, the big bang, could not create. If it even exists, then the big bang must be the brainchild of a superior being. One that imagined and crafted the unthinkable and made it happen. 
At this point, it does not appear to me, that a tool (science) is capable of purposefully reasoning out such an intricate plan and execute it to the brilliance we now term as nature. It is illogical that a highway should be the centre of attention in the universe. and I say all this in respect to the universal law that every physical manifestation is preceded by a mental creation. Science obeys laws and rarely contradicts itself. I would highly recommend not studying science if that is the best excuse that a person could come up with the origin of creation. 
However, if science and not imagination is responsible for creation, it would just prove that science is a god with a mind and a superior being. Either way, we are all here because someone or something with a mind came up with a mental image of creation. . 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Chance v. Purpose part 1

One of the greatest tragedies in life is the lack of will to follow through your thoughts.
Men are very interesting creatures. We are blessed with the ability to reason, an ability that separates us from the rest of creation or in this case, animals. I doubt if plants posses the capacity to think, though I do not doubt they have the capacity to respond to a voice. If you doubt me, talk to a dedicated farmer. If you talk to enough of them, you will realize that some of them do engage in a peculiar behaviour. Some do talk to their plants in the same manner a lover would talk to his beloved. Always encouraging and affirming them as though they have been caught up in a Utopian state where man and plant understand each other. It is therefore not a wonder when God said let there be and there was. For you see, all creation is tuned to hear the voice of its creator. The prerogative as to whether to obey the voice or not however lies with only one animal.
Back to the subject of thinking and reason. Animals and men alike do think though there has been questions surrounding the applicability of that statement to all men. Thinking simply put, is the ability of a brain to follow through a process from one point to the next logical point. The ability to follow it through to a conclusion, especially a logical and relevant one is a debate for another day.
Thinking however cannot be dealt with without paying attention to a second person called instinct. Instinct is your first reaction in response to a situation. Instinct is interesting because it is not premeditated. No one has to have a plan for instinct. It just happens. The driving force of instinct is survival and self preservation. Like running away from danger or coiling up into a defensive position when anticipating an attack. Instinct pays no attention to thought, it shows no respect to time. Both animals and human beings are instinctive. Animals operate via instinct, usually uncontrolled instinct most of the time and some men fall under suspicion of being in this category too. The difference being that men can suppress their instincts through training over time while animals don't seem to be able to possess such willpower. They are at times able to override instinct and replace it with thought. This control is known as REASON.
Reason is the ability to govern both instinct and thought. The ability to choose which path to follow when looking for the most sensible logical conclusion. Reason is God's gift to man that has enabled man to dominate the planet for millenniums now. I say God's gift because speed lies at the centre of survival. Reason takes away whatever window of time that was opened by the arms of instinct. It is counter-survival. Anything counter survival will lead to only two outcomes: life or death. You can die from not taking advantage of the small window of opportunity or you can live by ignoring the window and building your door. Anyone who has attempted to make passage through a window will assure you that the door is always a more comfortable route. It may take a longer time to create it but once done, you will not desire to use the window again.
Reason has capacitated man with one important strength that lies at the centre of humankind: the need to live, not just survive. Living is an option, survival is a need. There is so much more to life than struggling to remain atop the food chain. Evolution and natural selection has tuned our minds to respond to instinct, it could never teach reason. It could teach thought but not critical analysis. It could teach survival but never living. Living is propelled by purpose, survival is propelled by death. The need to avoid death is the driving force of survival and human beings were made for more than that. Human beings were created to be more than creatures at the top of the food chain.
When do we stop evolving and start living?