What does it mean to be a lazy thinker?
What does it mean to be a tolerant thinker?
Is it when I set aside my convictions,
Or when I set aside my religious dogma?
When I elevate my law degree,
Or theories from Karl Marx and John Stuart Mills??
Tell me what does it mean not to be a lazy thinker.
I was told stating my stand based on what my Bible has convinced me to be true is being lazy.
I was told that I must argue intellectually without bringing in my beliefs.
I was told having a personal opinion based on my Bible is lazy thinking.
At least that is what they made me understand.
That the active thinker has no religious convictions.
That I am a lazy thinker and that the non-religious thinker is an active thinker.
But I have news for you.
I believe that the lazy thinker is the person convinced personal convictions based on faith have no place in the society.
The lazy thinker is too lazy to figure out how faith affects every facet of society.
The lazy thinker thinks that the best way to think is without conviction.
Yet a man without conviction is a spineless being. He has nothing to live for, no purpose.
The lazy thinker is mad when a Christian declares his faith and criticizes it as intolerence;
While yet celebrating an atheist when he declares his lack of any religious conviction and labels it as tolerant, an active thinker.
As if the two men have done two different acts.
As if the two bleed differently.
It is lazy to think without foundational conviction,
As if you are a dead leaf to be blown around by every wind of philosophy and doctrine.
Tell me, what does it mean to be a lazy thinker??
very interesting