Sunday, January 11, 2015

We repair broken eggs and repair rotten tomatoes 3


You cannot behave in a manner likely to suggest that no form of education has ever been imputed into your systems.

"But it was their fault, they stole our eggs and gave us broken eggs."

"They gave us rotten tomatoes."

"We gave you fresh tomatoes and you swapped them with rotten tomatoes."

Hush!!!! We can work out something. Starting with you chefs. How can we make a combined omelette, one that at the least will leave some morsels for the audience?

Then began the negotiations that went on for two days. Finally, they agreed to use the kilns from the Blue Label side of the kitchen. The tangerine chefs crossed over to that side of the kitchen and started cooking alongside their "sworn fiends". Actually in class today, the word fiends is spelt as F-R-I-E-N-D-S. 

Meanwhile, the audience still remained in their seats. No one wanted to cross over and above make friends. But now, the omelette morsels were thrown occasionally into both crowds and the scrambling continued. They even went ahead to make idols of their chefs. They worshipped and adored them.

Up until they got bored.

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